Manus LavinAge: 701878–1949
- Name
- Manus Lavin
Birth | February 21, 1878 37 34 |
Birth of a sister | November 1, 1880 (Age 2) Chicago, Cook, Illinois Nora Lavin - younger sister |
Birth of a brother | February 2, 1888 (Age 9) William J Lavin - younger brother |
Residence | 1900 (Age 21) Chicago city, Cook, Illinois |
Death of a father | February 2, 1911 (Age 32) Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Bernard Lavin - father |
Death of a sister | 1921 (Age 42) Chicago, Cook, Illinois Nora Lavin - younger sister |
Death of a mother | February 27, 1927 (Age 49) Chicago, Cook, Illinois Hanora hardyman - mother |
Death | January 2, 1949 (Age 70) Chicago, Cook, Illinois |
Family with parents - View Family |
father |
![]() Birth March 1840 Roscommon, Ireland
Death February 2, 1911 (Age 70) Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA Loading...
4 years mother |
![]() Birth about 1844 Roscommon, Ireland
Death February 27, 1927 (Age 83) Chicago, Cook, Illinois Loading...
#1 brother |
2 years #2 |
3 years #3 sister |
![]() Birth November 1, 1880 40 36 Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Death 1921 (Age 40) Chicago, Cook, Illinois Loading...
7 years #4 brother |
Extra information
Hit Count: 352
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Bernard Lavin 1840–1911 |
Hanora hardyman 1844–1927 |
Thomas Lavin 1875– |
Manus Lavin 1878–1949 |
Nora Lavin 1880–1921 |
William J Lavin 1888–1959 |