William Frederick HooperAge: 811872–1954
- Name
- William Frederick Hooper
Birth | December 6, 1872 30 23 New Brunswick |
Birth of a brother | about 1874 (Age 12 months) New Brunswick Robert T Hooper - younger brother |
Birth of a sister | about 1876 (Age 3) New Brunswick Ethel Hooper - younger sister |
Birth of a sister | May 1880 (Age 7) Backbay, Charlotte, New Brunswick, Canada Clara Mary Hooper - younger sister |
Death of a father | before 1891 (Age 18) Robert Hooper - father |
Death | 1954 (Age 81) |
Family with parents - View Family |
father |
7 years mother |
Marriage: about 1868 | |
5 years #1 |
13 months #2 brother |
2 years #3 sister |
4 years #4 sister |
Extra information
Hit Count: 483
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
Robert Hooper 1842–1891 |
Mary Hickey 1849– |
William Frederick Hooper 1872–1954 |
Robert T Hooper 1874– |
Ethel Hooper 1876– |
Clara Mary Hooper 1880– |