William G. DUNHAMAge: 421841–1883
- Name
- William G. DUNHAM
Birth | 1841 27 23 |
Birth of a brother | 1843 (Age 2) John M. DUNHAM - younger brother |
Birth of a brother | 1845 (Age 4) Bath, ME Douglas A. DUNHAM - younger brother |
Birth of a brother | 1848 (Age 7) James L. DUNHAM - younger brother |
Birth of a brother | 1850 (Age 9) William H. DUNHAM - younger brother |
Birth of a sister | 1852 (Age 11) Annie E. DUNHAM - younger sister |
Birth of a sister | 1854 (Age 13) Emily C. DUNHAM - younger sister |
Death of a brother | 1856 (Age 15) William H. DUNHAM - younger brother |
Death of a brother | 1863 (Age 22) James L. DUNHAM - younger brother |
Death of a father | January 7, 1876 (Age 35) George D Dunham - father |
Death | after 1883 (Age 42) |
Family with parents - View Family |
father |
![]() Birth January 13, 1813 44 41 Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Death January 7, 1876 (Age 62) Loading...
5 years mother |
Marriage: September 26, 1840 -- St. John, NB, CANADA; Marriage: 23 Nov 2005. | |
3 months #1 |
2 years #2 brother |
2 years #3 brother |
3 years #4 brother |
2 years #5 brother |
2 years #6 sister |
2 years #7 sister |
Extra information
Hit Count: 5,466
Family navigator
Family with parents | |
George D Dunham 1813–1876 |
Eliza Jane REED 1817– |
William G. DUNHAM 1841–1883 |
John M. DUNHAM 1843– |
Douglas A. DUNHAM 1845– |
James L. DUNHAM 1848–1863 |
William H. DUNHAM 1850–1856 |
Annie E. DUNHAM 1852– |
Emily C. DUNHAM 1854– |