Albert CraftAge: 791809–1888
- Name
- Albert Craft
Birth | 1809 21 22 |
Birth of a brother | about 1814 (Age 5) Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada William Henry Craft - younger brother |
Birth of a sister | 1815 (Age 6) Phoebe S. Craft - younger sister |
Death of a maternal grandmother | April 26, 1823 (Age 14) York County, New Brunswick, Canada Elizabeth Oliver - maternal grandmother |
Birth of a brother | 1824 (Age 15) Saint John, NB, Canada Thomas M. Craft - younger brother |
Birth of a brother | 1826 (Age 17) Saint John, NB, Canada John Sheffield Craft - younger brother |
Birth of a brother | 1830 (Age 21) Abraham Wood Craft - younger brother |
Death of a maternal grandfather | October 12, 1839 (Age 30) Fredericton, York, New Brunswick, Canada John Dunham - maternal grandfather |
Death of a father | July 15, 1862 (Age 53) Carlton, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada John Thorn Craft - father |
Death of a brother | 1871 (Age 62) Saint John, NB, Canada Abraham Wood Craft - younger brother |
Death of a brother | April 16, 1880 (Age 71) Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada William Henry Craft - younger brother |
Death | 1888 (Age 79) Saint John, NB, Canada |
Family with parents - View Family |
father |
![]() Birth March 27, 1787 Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Death July 15, 1862 (Age 75) Carlton, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada Loading...
-3 months mother |
Marriage: 1808 -- Saint John, NB, Canada | |
22 years #1 brother |
-4 years #2 brother |
-2 years #3 brother |
-9 years #4 sister |
-6 years #5 |
5 years #6 brother |
![]() Birth about 1814 26 27 Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Death April 16, 1880 (Age 66) Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada Loading...
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Family with parents | |
John Thorn Craft 1787–1862 |
Phoebe Dunham 1787– |
Abraham Wood Craft 1830–1871 |
John Sheffield Craft 1826–1905 |
Thomas M. Craft 1824–1892 |
Phoebe S. Craft 1815–1897 |
Albert Craft 1809–1888 |
William Henry Craft 1814–1880 |