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2015 February Board Agenda

From Dunham-Singletary Family Connections
Revision as of 19:42, 9 February 2015 by James8313 (Talk | contribs)

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January 2015 Annual Board Meeting Agenda

The annual board meeting of the Dunham-Singletary Family Connections Association is scheduled
for Saturday, 15 February 2015 at 1:00 pm Pacific – 4:00 pm Eastern. If you would like to attend
the conference call please Contact Jeff Dunham at: jeffreymdunham@gmail.com

The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:

Item 1 - Secretarial Report

Item 2 - Treasurer Report

Item 3 - Proposed new Board Members and Secretary

The following DS-FC members are in good standing and will accept the position as a Board Member if Elected.
John Duguid -- Guy Coniglio -- Bruce Dunham
A Interim Secretary is need

Item 4 - 2015 Budget

Item 5 - DNA Project Report

Item 6 - Website Status - DS-FC and Dunham's in America

Item 7 - Report of the Bedfordshire Research to date

Item 8 - Proposal for Dunham Research Funding in England

Discussion of the Agenda items can be found on the Dunham-Singletary Family Connections Discussion Forum
found at: 2015 Board Meeting Discussions.

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