3.   THOMAS 2 DUNHAM (John 1) was born in Leyden, Holland say 1619-20; [1] died in Plymouth before 15 May 1677, age about 58 years.[2]
   Thomas appears in Plymouth in 1643 when his name is on the “Able to Bear Arms” list.  He would have been about 24 years old.

   There are a few deed records that pertain to this Thomas Dunham.  In Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England 12:112, (Ply. Col. Recs.) Anthony Snow to Thomas Dunham 25 Aug. 1645;  “Anthony Snow, for £16.18s to be paid by Thomas Dunham, sell . . . all that his house and eight acres.”   This seems to be the same land that Anthony Snow received from his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren's deed to Snowq dated 9 January 1639, leaves land located at Wellingsly “with the eight acres of land thereunto adjoyneing” and it is located at Wellingsly.   (Ply. Col. Recs. 12:53)

   Thomas is NOT on list of persons that should come to town meetings 10 December 1646.  Thomas probably went to Sandwich in the years 1646-48. Mrs. Barclay  for her article in TAG Vol. 30:148-151 did significant research on Thomas Dunham in her attempt to correct errors that have appeared in various publications.  She states, “Thomas never married Martha Knott” ...“it is doubtful that Thomas ever married.”  On 4 October 1648 Plymouth Colony Records indicate that Thomas Dunham was ordered to abstain from seeing Martha Knott until 1st Tuesday of December.   He did NOT marry Martha Knott; she m. 18 Nov. 1650 Thomas Tobey of Sandwich.[3]

   There is only one other Plymouth County Land Record in which Thomas Dunham appears and that is as a Witness to a deed dated 30 March 1666. “Samuel Eaton, living at Namasakett. . .hath given unto my brother Benjamine Eaton,. . .20 acres of upland lying at the Town called Dartmouth. . .”
Witness: Francis Billington
        Thomas Dunam (by mark)
Acknowledged 30 March 1666 before Thomas Prence, Governor [4]

   Thomas Dunham did receive a grant of land from the Town of Plymouth.  "At a Town meeting held 6 July 1668, 20 acres of land was granted to Thomas Dunham lying on the North side of Town near Jones River, to be layed forth. (p. 105)  The bounds of this parcel were layed out by George Bonum, Surveyor." (p. 121)  "At a town meeting at Plymouth 13 December 1670 the town granted Thomas Dunham the 20 acre parcel lying on the north side of the smelt brook." (p. 115)  It is doubtful that Thomas ever improved or lived on this parcel.  He would have been over 50 years old in December of 1670.

   Thomas Dunham died before 15 May, 1677 Plymouth Town Records 1:152, when  “a small parcel of land and a small cottage thereon, formerly possessed by Thomas Dunham deceased,  now desired by Benjamine Eaton . . .” was granted to Benjamin  Eaton.[5]

   Thomas Dunham was NOT the Mr. Thomas Denham in Rye, as proven by the article by Mrs. Barclay.[6]

1. TAG 30:148-151. 
2. Ibid. 
3. Torrey p. 746. 
4. From MD, Vol. 43:23, dated 30 Mar. 1666, (from Ply. Co. LR 3, part 1, p. 57)
5. Plymouth Town Records 1:152.
6. TAG 30:148-151.

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