Two Excerpts from Ipswich Quarterly Court
Excerpts provided by Audrey (Shields) Hancock.
Note these two different references to Richard Singletary's birthdate, when
he gave depositions during court sessions to support his son, Jonathan
Singletary (later Jonathan Dunham). From this we might conclude that Richard
was born between 1592-1599.
"Richard Singletary, aged about sixty-three years, testified, Nov. 22, 1662,
that 'as I was goeing to Salsbury this lad munday past along wth John godfre
he was in a great pashon against Jonathan Singletary att his hous a while
agoe & I had forty or fifty shillings in mony about me & Jonathan would haue
borowed it of me & I was two or thre times agoing to lett him hauv it but I
considered yt I had often use for mony at law & so I did not lett him haue
aney.' Sworn before Simon Bradstreete."
"Richard Singletary, aged about seventy years, deposed that he and Thomas
Bloomfield being at Ipswitch upon Feb. 18, last, as agents for Jonathan
Singletary, who was then in prison upon several executions of John Godfres,
they tendered said Godfre a parcel of land in satisfaction of said
execution. 'John Godfre sd ye Land I will neuer medle wth except ye Law
Constraineth me to take it & so turned his back nay staye John sd one of us
& lett us haue a few words wth you or Coming is to make A full and fineall
end bettwene Jonathan & you if we Can wthout any more law well sayed godfre
as for ye land I will not medle wth but if you will fetch me or pay me in
goods for these executions which he is now in prizen upon I will giue him a
full & generall aquitance of all debts & deues & all things,' etc. Godfrey
said he would take the goods whenever they were brought to him. Sworn,
24:1:1662, before Simon Bradstreete."
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